

Adoro App

Featuring:Eben Chu, Simon Redfern
Start:Wed, 08-07-2015, 18:00 hours
End:2015-07-08, 20:00
Location:Raum 115, Universität der Künste
Description:Internet cafés are no start-up playgrounds, but a social space in which people can read and research side by side. This workshop describes the everyday life in five Internet cafés, by refugees and for refugees, initiated by Eben Chu from Cameroon for the organization “Refugees Emancipation”. The cafés run on old computers in various refugee homes in Berlin and Potsdam. “We need a place that we control ourselves. The existing communal space is used for prayers or gymnastics and is under the strict control of the home management. They know who keeps the keys when. That’s why the computers are for us a means for self-determined action.” Most users want to read news from their home country and chat with friends and relatives abroad. Also they want to talk about their rights and health issues with other refugees in Berlin who are in a similar situation.“ After all, the German bureaucratic language can cause hard times. Therefore "Refugees Emancipation” initiated a web app where their users can exchange insights and information anonymously from wherever they are. Eben Chu and his fellows will discuss necessity and experience with the app thus far.
Introducing App for refugees by Refugees Emancipation and Workshop with Eben Chu.
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